Arti Lirik - Where Do They Make Balloons

Marmalade's from Scotland, Rugs from Pakistan
Marmalade dari Skotlandia, Karpet dari Pakistan
Mexico has jumping beans and cars are from Japan
Meksiko memiliki lompatan kacang dan mobil dari Jepang
Clowns are from the circus, barking comes from dogs
Badut berasal dari sirkus, menggonggong berasal dari anjing
Eggs come from a chicken and log cabins come from logs
Telur yang berasal dari ayam dan log kabin berasal dari kayu bulat

But where…?
Tapi di mana & hellip ;?
Where do they make balloons?
Dimana mereka membuat balon?

But where…?
Tapi di mana & hellip ;?
Where do they make balloons?
Dimana mereka membuat balon?

New York has tall buildings, New Jersey has its malls
New York memiliki bangunan tinggi, New Jersey memiliki malnya
Pisa has a leaning tower will it ever fall
Pisa memiliki menara miring yang akan jatuh
The ocean has the fishes
Lautan memiliki ikan
London has a tower
London memiliki menara
In Holland they have windmills , lots of banks and pretty flowers
Di Belanda mereka memiliki kincir angin, banyak bank dan bunga cantik

But where…?
Tapi di mana & hellip ;?
Where do they make balloons?
Dimana mereka membuat balon?

But where…?
Tapi di mana & hellip ;?
Where do they make balloons?
Dimana mereka membuat balon?

Balloooooons. Ballooooons. Balloooooons. Balloooooons
Balloooooons. Ballooooons. Balloooooons. Balloooooons

Spaghetti is from China but Italians make it best
Spaghetti berasal dari China tapi orang Italia membuatnya lebih baik
Ants can make an anthill and monkeys make a nest
Semut bisa membuat semut dan monyet membuat sarang
Hungary isn't hungry
Hungaria tidak lapar
And French fries aren't from France
Dan kentang goreng bukan dari Prancis
Turkeys aren't from Turkey – they can't fly but they can dance
Kalkun bukan dari Turki & ndash; Mereka tidak bisa terbang tapi mereka bisa menari

But where…?
Tapi di mana & hellip ;?
Where do they make balloons?
Dimana mereka membuat balon?

But where…?
Tapi di mana & hellip ;?
Where do they make balloons?
Dimana mereka membuat balon?

But where…?
Tapi di mana & hellip ;?
Where do they make balloons?
Dimana mereka membuat balon?

But where…?
Tapi di mana & hellip ;?
Where do they make balloons?
Dimana mereka membuat balon?