Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - What's Become Of The Baby

Waves of violet go crashing and laughing
Gelombang ungu meledak dan tertawa
The rainbow winged singing birds fly ’round the sun
Pelangi bersayap bernyanyi burung terbang ‘mengelilingi matahari
Sun bells rain down in a liquid profusion
Lonceng matahari turun dalam cairan
Mermaids on porpoises draw up the dawn
Putri duyung di atas tepian naik menjelang subuh
What’s become of the baby this cold December morning?
Apa jadinya bayi pagi yang dingin ini?

Songbirds frozen in their flight
Burung serigala membeku dalam penerbangan mereka
Drifting to the earth, remnants of forgotten dreaming
Melayang ke bumi, sisa-sisa mimpi terlupakan
Dawning answer comes there none.
Jawaban Dawning tidak ada.

Go to sleep you child, dream of never-ending always
Pergilah tidurlah anakmu, bermimpi tidak pernah berakhir selalu
Panes of crystal ice sparkle like waterfalls
Panes es kristal berkilauan seperti air terjun
Lighting the polished ice caverns of the dawn,
Pencahayaan gua es dipoles dari fajar,
But where in the looking-glass fields of illusion
Tapi di mana di bidang ilusi bayangan
Wandered the child who was perfect as the dawn?
Mengembara anak yang sempurna seperti fajar?
What’s become of the baby this cold December morning?
Apa jadinya bayi pagi yang dingin ini?
What’s become of the baby this cold December morning?
Apa jadinya bayi pagi yang dingin ini?

Racing in rhythm of the sun
Balapan di irama matahari
All the world revolves captured in the eye of woman
Seluruh dunia berputar tertangkap di mata wanita
Allah, where are you now?
Allah, dimana kamu sekarang?

All eyes are blinded by the sparkling waters
Semua mata dibutakan oleh air yang berkilauan
Scheherazade gathering stories to tell
Scheherazade mengumpulkan cerita untuk diceritakan
But where is the child who played with the sunshines?
Tapi dimana anak yang bermain dengan sunshines?
And chased the cloud shape to the regions of mind?
Dan mengejar bentuk awan ke daerah pikiran?
Standing stream cries the south wind
Berdiri deras meneriakkan angin selatan
Lost in the regions of
Hilang di daerah
Shadow-like chains of illusion, delusions of living and dead.
Rantai ilusi bayangan, delusi hidup dan mati.