Arti Lirik - Under The Sword

They burst through the gates
Mereka menerobos gerbang
with swords in hand they made their way
Dengan pedang di tangan mereka berhasil
cross the hall of the high lord.
menyeberangi aula tuan tinggi.

-As long as that man lives
– Selama orang itu tinggal
peace will never propagate
kedamaian tidak akan pernah merambat
between me and my brothers here
antara aku dan saudara-saudaraku disini
so yield yourself to your fate!
jadi berilah dirimu pada takdirmu!

The king stood still in the back,
Raja berdiri diam di belakang,
grey in face and without will
abu-abu di wajah dan tanpa kemauan
not knowing wrong from right.
tidak tahu salah dari benar

-You have brought shame and disgrace
-Anda telah membawa malu dan aib
to soil your fathers' name
untuk tanah nama ayah Anda ‘
and heaven will not easily
dan surga tidak akan mudah
forget the game you've played.
lupakan permainan yang telah kamu mainkan

The limbs of the lord was chained,
Tungkai tuan dirantai,
he was bound to a horse then they rode away
Dia terikat pada seekor kuda lalu mereka pergi
through a cold winter storm.
melalui badai musim dingin.
Travelling night and day
Bepergian siang dan malam
through a kingdom of snow
melalui kerajaan salju
and finally arriving at
dan akhirnya sampai di
the castle of his foes.
benteng dari musuh-musuhnya.

He was shackled to the wall,
Dia terbelenggu ke dinding,
in the tower high above the ground
di menara tinggi di atas tanah
he was kept like a common thief.
Dia dijaga seperti pencuri biasa.
And meanwhile the brothers three
Dan sementara itu saudara laki-laki tiga
feasted into the night
berpesta sampai malam
and toasted time after time
dan panggang dari waktu ke waktu
until the morning light.
sampai cahaya pagi

He was sentenced to death by the blade.
Dia dijatuhi hukuman mati oleh pisau itu.
In the name of high treason
Atas nama pengkhianatan tinggi
he died under the sword.
dia mati di bawah pedang

-We have harvested the crops
-Kami telah memanen hasil panen
of the evil seed
dari benih jahat
that grew between you and me
yang tumbuh antara Anda dan saya
but now united we'll lead!
tapi sekarang bersatu kita akan memimpin!