- Arti Lirik Tracy Jacks

Tracy Jacks
Tracy Jacks
Works in civil service
Bekerja di dinas sipil
It's steady employment
Ini pekerjaan yang mantap
Is a golfing fanatic
Adalah seorang fanatik golf
But his putt is erratic
Tapi puttnya tidak menentu
Saw a Harley Street doctor
Melihat dokter Harley Street
Who prescribed healthy living
Siapa yang menentukan hidup sehat
But he's getting past forty
Tapi dia sudah lewat empat puluh
And all the seams are splitting
Dan semua jahitannya membelah
Every day he got closer
Setiap hari dia mendekat
He knew in his heart he was over
Dia tahu di dalam hatinya bahwa dia sudah berakhir
I'd love to stay here and be normal
Saya ingin tinggal di sini dan menjadi normal
But it's just so overrated
Tapi itu hanya terlalu overrated
Tracy Jacks
Tracy Jacks
Left home without warning
Meninggalkan rumah tanpa peringatan
At five in the morning
Pukul lima pagi
Got on the first train to Walton
Naik kereta pertama ke Walton
And stood on the sea front laughing
Dan berdiri di bagian depan laut sambil tertawa
Threw his clothes in the water
Lemparkan pakaiannya ke dalam air
And ran around naked
Dan berlari telanjang
Got stopped by the police
Mampir ke polisi
And escorted back home
Dan dikawal pulang
And then it happened on a Tuesday morning
Dan kemudian hal itu terjadi pada hari Selasa pagi
Tracy Jacks bulldozed down the house he lived in
Jack Tracy membuldozer di rumah tempat dia tinggal
It's just so overrated
Itu terlalu berlebihan