Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - The Time I Lost My Way To My Dealer's House (

Aku sadar aku tidak bisa terus saat aku menemukan rambutku di saku belakangku. Aku suka BENAR-BENAR membalik keluar aku seperti “hey man” sial
I realised I couldn't go on when i found my hair in my back pocket I like TOTALLY flipped out i was like “hey man” an shit

Itu adalah orang aneh
That was wierd man

Saat aku sedang berjalan
When I was walking
Tiba-tiba aku berhenti untuk berpikir
I suddenly stopped to think
Saat kepalaku mulai berputar
As my head began to spin
Aku menabrak lantai dan di depan mataku hidupku berkedip
I hit the floor and before my eyes my life did flash
Dengan kesakitan aku mendorong diriku ke depan
In pain I pushed myself forward
Tidak yakin di mana aku seharusnya pergi
Unsure of where I was meant to be going
Aku merayap ke jalan hanya untuk melihat lampu depan mobil menerangi wajahku agar bisa dilihat semua orang
I crept into the road only to see the car's headlights illuminating my face for all to see

Nah inilah saat saya tersesat ke rumah dealer saya
Well this was the time I lost my way to my dealer's house
Inilah saat saya tersesat ke rumah dealer saya
This was the time I lost my way to my dealer's house
Aku hampir berhasil kembali hidup
I nearly made it back alive
Aku hampir berhasil kembali hidup
I nearly made it back alive
Aku hampir berhasil kembali hidup
I nearly made it back alive
Saya meninggal
I died