Arti Lirik - The Tide

As the sun died in the background of the autumn trees, the cries ceased
Saat matahari mati di latar belakang pohon musim gugur, tangisan itu berhenti
The wind blew across the cold and blistered ground
Angin bertiup melintasi tanah yang dingin dan melepuh
Her vivid leaves danced in the air only inches above the ground they slept upon
Daunnya yang jelas menari-nari di udara beberapa inci di atas tanah tempat mereka tidur
The wind began to grow robbing the branches of the willow tree
Angin mulai tumbuh merampok cabang pohon willow
With this the cries ceased
Dengan ini teriakan berhenti
One by one the leaves fell upon the cold ground as the wind gathered itself once again
Satu per satu daun jatuh di atas tanah yang dingin saat angin kembali bersulang