lagu - Terjemahan Lirik The Restless

We were steamin' at the seams
Kami sedang steamin ‘di jahitannya
and the scene seemed like in dreams
dan pemandangan itu tampak seperti mimpi
Pressed close behind the tinted glass
Ditekankan di belakang kaca berwarna
as the cop's headlights scrolled past
Saat lampu depan polisi menyala
“I can't see a thing,”
“Saya tidak bisa melihat apa-apa,”
Kelly said blushing
Kelly tersipu malu
as she spelled our names on the window
seperti dia mengeja nama kami di jendela
of her sister's Monte Carlo
dari kakaknya Monte Carlo
And this is the soundtrack
Dan inilah soundtracknya
playing in back
bermain di belakang
of our restless lives
dari kehidupan kita yang gelisah
And though they make no sense
Dan meskipun mereka tidak masuk akal
these are the moments
inilah saatnya
we'll remember for
kami akan mengingatnya
the rest of our restless lives
sisa hidup kita yang gelisah

Lyin' behind Venetian blinds
Lyin ‘di balik tirai Venesia
in the depth of summertime
di kedalaman musim panas
hiding from the asshole sun
bersembunyi dari teriakan matahari
copying Jon's record collection
menyalin koleksi rekaman Jon
Bedroom reeked of death
Kamar tidur reeked kematian
sweaty sheets and Sunday breath
seprai berkeringat dan napas hari Minggu
with ambition for ammunition
dengan ambisi untuk amunisi
and the pulse of a machinegun
dan denyut nadi machinegun

You see the movies that you wanna see
Anda melihat film yang ingin Anda lihat
And you know what you wanna be
Dan Anda tahu apa yang Anda inginkan
So choose between A, B, or C
Jadi pilih antara A, B, atau C
It's free will
Ini kehendak bebas
but it's still
tapi tetap saja
a recipe
So what about the rest of us?
Lantas bagaimana dengan kita semua?
What about the restless?
Bagaimana dengan gelisah?
Will we be restless for the rest of our lives?
Apakah kita akan gelisah selama sisa hidup kita?