- Arti Lirik The Night That Christ Was Born

Tidak bisakah kamu melihat orang-orangnya?
Can’t you see the people
Datang dari setiap negara
Coming from every nation
Meminta untuk keselamatan
Pleading for salvation
Malam dimana Kristus lahir
The night that Christ was born

Oh Juruselamat yang luar biasa
Oh such a wonderful savior
Terlahir di palungan
To be born in a manger
Sehingga saya bisa berbagi nikmatNya
So that I can share His favor
Dan hatiku dibuat lagi
And my heart be made anew

Dengarkan sangkakala
Listen to the trumpets
Berteriak menembus kegelapan
Shouting through the darkness
Menangis ‘suci, suci’
Crying ‘holy, holy’
Malam dimana Kristus lahir
The night that Christ was born

Dengarkan sangkakala
Listen to the trumpets
Berteriak menembus kegelapan
Shouting through the darkness
Menangis ‘suci, suci’ (sekarang Lihatlah Juruselamat)
Crying ‘holy, holy’ (Now Behold the Savior)
Malam dimana Kristus lahir
The night that Christ was born