- Lagu The Ballad Of Robert Moore And Betty Coltrane Lirik Terjemahan

There was a thick-set man with frog-eyes was standing at the door And a little bald man with wing-nut ears was waiting in the car Well, Robert Moore passed the frog-eyed man as he walked into the bar And Betty Coltrane, she jumped under her table…
Ada seorang pria bertubuh tebal dengan mata kodok sedang berdiri di depan pintu. Dan seorang pria botak kecil dengan telinga kacang sayap sedang menunggu di mobil. Robert Moore melewati pria bermata sipit itu saat dia berjalan ke bar dan Betty Coltrane. , dia melompat di bawah mejanya …
“What’s your pleasure?” asked the barman, he had a face like boiled meat; “There’s a girl called Betty Coltrane that I have come to see.” But I ain’t seen that girl round here for more than a week” And Betty Coltrane she hid beneath the table…
“Apa kesenanganmu?” tanya si energik, dia memiliki wajah seperti daging rebus; “Ada seorang gadis bernama Betty Coltrane yang pernah saya lihat.” Tapi aku tidak melihat gadis itu di sini selama lebih dari seminggu “Dan Betty Coltrane dia bersembunyi di bawah meja …
Well, then in came a sailor with mermaids tattooed on his arms, Followed by the man with the wing-nut ears, who was waiting in the car; Well, Robert Moore sensed trouble, he’d seen it coming from afar And Betty Coltrane she gasped beneath the table…
Nah, lalu datang seorang pelaut dengan putri duyung bertato di lengannya, Diikuti oleh pria dengan telinga kacang sayap, yang sedang menunggu di mobil; Nah, Robert Moore merasakan masalah, dia melihatnya datang dari jauh Dan Betty Coltrane dia tersentak di bawah meja …
Well, the sailor said, “I’m looking for my wife! They call her Betty Coltrane.” And the frog-eyed man said, “That can’t be! That’s my wife’s maiden name!” And the man with the wing-nut ears said, “Hey, I married her back in Spain!” And Betty Coltrane crossed herself beneath the table…
Nah, si pelaut berkata, “Saya mencari istri saya! Mereka memanggilnya Betty Coltrane.” Dan pria bermata katak itu berkata, “Itu tidak mungkin! Itu nama gadis istriku!” Dan pria dengan telinga kacang sayap berkata, “Hei, aku menikahinya kembali di Spanyol!” Dan Betty Coltrane menyilangkan dirinya di bawah meja …
Well, Robert Moore stepped up and said, “That woman is my wife.” And he drew a silver pistol and a wicked Bowie knife And he shot the man with the wing-nut ears straight between the eyes And Betty Coltrane she moaned under the table…
Nah, Robert Moore melangkah maju dan berkata, “Wanita itu adalah istriku.” Dan dia menarik pistol perak dan pisau Bowie yang jahat. Dan dia menembak pria itu dengan telinga sayap-sayap lurus di antara kedua matanya. Dan Betty Coltrane, dia mengerang di bawah meja …
Well, the frog-eyed man jumped at Robert Moore who stabbed him in the chest; As Mr. Frog-eyes died, he said, “Betty, you’re the girl that I loved best” Then the sailor pulled a razor and Robert Moore blasted him to bits And, “Betty, I know you’re under the table!”
Nah, pria bermata sipit itu melompat ke arah Robert Moore yang menikamnya di dada; Saat Mr. Frog-eyes meninggal, dia berkata, “Betty, Anda adalah gadis yang paling saya cintai.” Lalu pelaut tersebut menarik pisau cukur dan Robert Moore mengecamnya dan berkata, “Betty, saya tahu Anda berada di bawah meja ! “
“Well, have no fear” said Robert Moore “I do not want to hurt you! Never a woman did I love near half as much as you; You are the blessed sun to me, girl, and you are the sacred moon.” And Betty shot his legs out from under the table…
“Yah, jangan takut” kata Robert Moore “Saya tidak ingin menyakitimu! Tidak pernah seorang wanita yang saya cintai hampir setengah dari Anda, Anda adalah matahari yang diberkati untuk saya, perempuan, dan Anda adalah bulan suci.” Dan Betty menembak kakinya dari bawah meja …
Well, Robert Moore went down heavy with a crash upon the floor And over to his trashing body Betty Coltrane she did crawl; She put the gun to the back of his head and pulled the trigger once more And blew his brains out all over the table…
Nah, Robert Moore terjatuh berat karena kecelakaan di lantai. Dan ke tubuh Betty Coltrane yang mencekam, dia merangkak; Dia meletakkan pistol itu ke bagian belakang kepalanya dan menarik pelatuknya sekali lagi Dan meniup otaknya ke seluruh meja …
Well, Betty stood up and shook her head and waved the smoke away; Said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Barman, to leave your place this way.” As she emptied out their wallets, she said, “I’ll collect my severance pay…” Then she winked and threw a dollar on the table.
Nah, Betty berdiri dan menggelengkan kepalanya dan melambaikan asapnya; Katanya, “Saya minta maaf, Tuan Barman, untuk meninggalkan tempat Anda seperti ini.” Saat dia mengosongkan dompet mereka, dia berkata, “Saya akan mengumpulkan uang pesangon saya …” Kemudian dia mengedipkan mata dan melemparkan satu dolar di atas meja.