Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - The Ballad Of Casey Macphee

Narrator: Listen, while I tell you, a story old and true,
Narator: Dengar, sementara saya katakan, sebuah cerita tua dan benar,
About how Casey Macphee the engineer got his train through.
Tentang bagaimana Casey Macphee insinyur mendapatkan kereta api melalui.
He faced the toughest duty, an engineer could do,
Dia menghadapi tugas terberat, seorang insinyur bisa melakukannya,
But he was brave and not afraid and he got his train through!
Tapi dia berani dan tidak takut dan dia naik kereta api!

Through, through, through, he got the train through.
Melalui, melalui, melalui, dia naik kereta api.
Through, through, through….
Melalui, melalui, melalui ….

Cookie Monster: Me got the train, and get it through…..
Monster Cookie: Saya naik kereta api, dan melewatinya …..

N: Train was carrying moo cows, and cake and ice cream too.
N: Kereta itu membawa sapi moo, juga kue dan es krim.
There were six cars full of cookies, and a tank of chocolate too.
Ada enam mobil yang penuh dengan kue, dan satu tangki cokelat juga.
The stuff was for the party, that the kids would have all year.
Barang-barang itu untuk pesta, bahwa anak-anak akan sepanjang tahun.
And getting that train through the narrow pass was the job of the engineer!
Dan mendapatkan kereta itu melalui jalur sempit adalah pekerjaan insinyur!

Through, through, through, he got the train through.
Melalui, melalui, melalui, dia naik kereta api.
Through, through, through….
Melalui, melalui, melalui ….

C (spoken): Oh, this train full of stuff me love to eat.
C (diucapkan): Oh, kereta ini penuh dengan barang yang saya suka makan.
And there are lots of children waiting for stuff
Dan ada banyak anak yang menunggu barang
on other side of dangerous narrow pass.
di sisi lain celah sempit yang berbahaya.
Me must get train through!!!!!
Saya harus naik kereta api melalui !!!!!

N: But an avalanche had closed the track and covered it with snow.
N: Tapi longsoran salju telah menutup jalur dan menutupinya dengan salju.
The snow was deep, the track was blocked, there was no place he could go.
Salju terasa dalam, lintasannya terhalang, tidak ada tempat yang bisa dia lewati.
Casey knew the train was filled with things he loved to eat.
Casey tahu kereta itu penuh dengan barang-barang yang dia suka makan.
But Casey knew his duty and would not admit defeat!
Tapi Casey tahu tugasnya dan tidak akan mengakui kekalahan!

Through, through, through, he got the train through.
Melalui, melalui, melalui, dia naik kereta api.
Through, through, through….
Melalui, melalui, melalui ….

C (spoken): Oh, tough choice. Track covered with snow.
C (diucapkan): Oh, pilihan yang sulit. Track ditutupi salju.
If me stay here, and not try to go through pass,
Jika saya tinggal di sini, dan tidak mencoba melewatinya,
Me stuck here, all alone with six cars of cookies and ice cream.
Aku terjebak di sini, sendirian dengan enam mobil kue dan es krim.
Aaaaaaaaallllll alone, with nooooooooobody watching.
Aaaaaaaaallllll sendirian, tanpa hobi menonton.
Me getting hungry. Me getting VERY hungry!
Saya merasa lapar. Saya mendapatkan sangat lapar
Oooooooh, maybe it’s not too bad if me eat some cookies…
Oooooooh, mungkin tidak terlalu buruk jika saya makan kue beberapa …
Wait!! What me doing???? It be very bad if me eat cookies.
Tunggu!! Apa yang saya lakukan ???? Akan sangat buruk jika saya makan kue.
Me must get train through!!!!!
Saya harus naik kereta api melalui !!!!!

N: Well, Casey was a hero. And his duty he could see.
N: Nah, Casey adalah pahlawan. Dan tugasnya bisa dia lihat.
Without the cookies and the milk, no party could there be.
Tanpa kue dan susu, tidak ada pesta yang bisa dilakukan.
The kids would be unhappy,
Anak-anak tidak akan senang,
So Casey raised his head…….
Jadi Casey mengangkat kepalanya …….

C: Me forget about the cookies,
C: Saya lupa tentang cookies,

N: Through, through, through, he got the train through,
N: Melalui, melalui, melalui, dia naik kereta api,
he ate up all the avalanche….
dia memakan semua longsoran salju ….

C: It mighty tasty too!
C: Itu enak juga!

N: Through, through, through, he got the train through.
N: Melalui, melalui, melalui, dia naik kereta api.
Casey that brave engineer got the train through!
Casey yang berani mendapat kereta lewat!