Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu The Apes Of Wrath

The Apes of Wrath!
Apes of Wrath!
The Apes of Wrath!
Apes of Wrath!
The Apes of Wrath!
Apes of Wrath!

Flecked with gore I face you
Tergores dengan darah kental aku hadapi Anda
My hide is writhing with worms
Persembunyianku menggeliat dengan cacing
I come from the place where the Flesh Sculptors pile
Saya berasal dari tempat pemahat Flesh Sculptors
Wretched creations born of blood and bile
Kreasi celaka lahir dari darah dan empedu

The creatures that lived here
Makhluk yang tinggal di sini
And now held in our thrall
Dan sekarang diadakan di thrall kami
The mayor and his cronies
Walikota dan kroni-kroninya
Have been nailed to the wall
Telah dipaku ke dinding
This pattern of violence
Pola kekerasan ini
It hinges on fate
Ini bergantung pada takdir
The seal of your coffin
Segel peti matamu
You found out to late
Anda menemukan terlambat

The Apes of Wrath!
Apes of Wrath!
The Apes of Wrath!
Apes of Wrath!
The Apes of Wrath!
Apes of Wrath!

I am the ruler
Akulah penguasa
The mutilator of dreams
Mutilator mimpi
All life falls apart at the seams
Semua kehidupan berantakan di jahitannya

The creatures that lived here
Makhluk yang tinggal di sini
And now held in our thrall
Dan sekarang diadakan di thrall kami
The mayor and his cronies
Walikota dan kroni-kroninya
Have been nailed to the wall
Telah dipaku ke dinding
This pattern of violence
Pola kekerasan ini
Hinges on fate
Engsel pada nasib
The seal of your coffin, you
Segel peti matamu, kamu
Found out to late
Menemukan terlambat

The Apes of Wrath!
Apes of Wrath!
The Apes of Wrath!
Apes of Wrath!
The Apes of Wrath!
Apes of Wrath!

Prepare yourselves for violence
Persiapkan dirimu untuk melakukan kekerasan
A spinning, flailing mass
Massa yang berputar dan mengayunkan
Tips are jocked, jaws are clocked, we sit back and laugh
Tip adalah jocked, rahang yang clock, kita duduk kembali dan tertawa
Spitting bloody chicklets, veins are bulging from their throat
Meludahkan chicklets berdarah, pembuluh darah menonjol dari tenggorokan mereka
The blood fills a moat
Darah mengisi parit
You must fight with boats
Anda harus bertarung dengan kapal
Trying to express your rage
Mencoba mengekspresikan kemarahanmu
You must use your fists
Kamu harus menggunakan tinjumu
Personality dissolves in a
Kepribadian dilarutkan dalam a
In a red and raging mist
Dalam kabut merah dan mengamuk

The Apes of Wrath! The Apes of Wrath!
Apes of Wrath! Apes of Wrath!
The Apes of Wrath! The Apes of Wrath!
Apes of Wrath! Apes of Wrath!
The Apes of Wrath! The Apes of Wrath!
Apes of Wrath! Apes of Wrath!
The Apes of Wrath! The Apes of Wrath!
Apes of Wrath! Apes of Wrath!

I am the ruler
Akulah penguasa
Mutilator of dreams
Mutilator mimpi
Truth be told, I enjoy the role
Sejujurnya, saya menikmati perannya
Illicitor of screams
Ilusi teriakan