Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - Super Stupid (Bonus Track)

Super stupid bought a nickel bag
Super bodoh membeli tas nikel
Thought it was coke, but it was skag
Kupikir itu coke, tapi itu skag
Super stupid did a one and one
Super bodoh melakukan satu dan satu
Then his eyes begin to water and his nose begin to run
Lalu matanya mulai berair dan hidungnya mulai berlari

Oh! stupid with your ups and downs
Oh! bodoh dengan pasang surutmu
Your maggot brain, your grins and frowns
Otak belatungmu, senyummu dan cemberut
Super stupid you’re here today
Super bodoh kau di sini hari ini
You’ve lost the fight and the winner is fear
Anda kalah dalam pertarungan dan pemenangnya adalah rasa takut

Did-did-did did-um

Whoa, hey
Wah, hei