Arti dan Lirik - Spaceghost, The Twins & Blip

Spaceghost, the twins and blip
Spaceghost, si kembar dan blip
Were busy fighting the Cosmic Witch
Sibuk melawan penyihir kosmis
She jumped into her craft and sped away
Dia melompat ke pesawatnya dan melesat pergi
Leading them on a high speed chase
Memimpin mereka pada kecepatan tinggi mengejar

Spaceghost. The twins and blip
Spaceghost Si kembar dan blip
Exploring the cosmos in their spaceship
Menjelajahi kosmos di pesawat ruang angkasa mereka
Spaceghost, the twins and blip
Spaceghost, si kembar dan blip
Defending the cosmos in their spaceship
Membela kosmos di pesawat ruang angkasa mereka

Her vessel crashed but she got away
Kapalnya jatuh tapi dia berhasil lolos
Vowing revenge on Spaceghost one day
Bersumpah membalas dendam pada Spaceghost suatu hari nanti
He raised his fist in victory
Dia mengangkat tinjunya dalam kemenangan
but had he really won?
tapi apakah dia benar-benar menang?