Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - Snow Fell

He sat in a room
Dia duduk di sebuah ruangan
in a square of the color of blood.
dalam kuadrat warna darah.
He’d rule the whole world
Dia akan memerintah seluruh dunia
if there was a way that he could.
jika ada cara yang dia bisa.
He’d sit and he’d stare
Dia akan duduk dan dia menatap
at the minreds on top of the towers.
di minreds di atas menara.
For he was a beast
Karena dia adalah binatang buas
as he hatched his new plans to gain power.
saat dia menetas rencana barunya untuk mendapatkan kekuatan.
(paduan suara)
And the snow fell
Dan salju turun
covering the dreams and ideals.
menutupi impian dan cita-cita.
And the snow fell
Dan salju turun
freezing the blood and the wheels.
Membekukan darah dan roda.
And the snow fell
Dan salju turun
they had to keep up for survival.
mereka harus bertahan untuk bertahan hidup
And the snow fell
Dan salju turun
defeating the beast’s only rival.
mengalahkan saingan satu-satunya binatang itu.
They took the old roads
Mereka mengambil jalan-jalan tua
that Napoleon had taken before.
yang telah diambil Napoleon sebelumnya.
They fought as a force as a light
Mereka bertempur sebagai kekuatan sebagai cahaya
against the darkness in a holy war.
melawan kegelapan dalam perang suci.
One day they were looking around
Suatu hari mereka melihat-lihat
and the sun was shining on the cold flowers.
dan matahari bersinar pada bunga-bunga dingin.
The next day they were freezing to death
Keesokan harinya mereka membeku sampai mati
in the sleet and the ice cold showers.
di hujan es dan es dingin.
(paduan suara)
Then came the deadly roads
Lalu datanglah jalanan yang mematikan
back from the stairs of their retreat.
kembali dari tangga retret mereka.
The cold racked their bodies
Udara dingin memeras tubuh mereka
but worse was the pain of defeat.
Tapi yang lebih parah lagi adalah rasa sakit karena kekalahan.
Many people who had hailed them once
Banyak orang yang pernah memuji mereka satu kali
now turned and looked away.
sekarang berbalik dan membuang muka.
These people now knew
Orang-orang ini sekarang tahu
that the beast was on it’s way.
bahwa binatang itu berada di jalan itu.
(paduan suara)
You finally came back
Kamu akhirnya kembali
to the borders of your fatherland.
ke perbatasan tanah airmu
Now enemies came
Sekarang musuh datang
traitors everywhere at hand.
pengkhianat di mana-mana.
Many people who had fought and died
Banyak orang yang telah bertengkar dan meninggal dunia
knowing that they had to win.
mengetahui bahwa mereka harus menang
It still sickens my heart
Masih sakit hati
to see the picture of the red flag in Berlin.
untuk melihat gambar bendera merah di Berlin.
(paduan suara)