lagu - Terjemahan Lirik Sleight Of Hand

All of my friends
Semua temanku
Not the ones I've got
Bukan yang saya punya
Everyone has run out hot and cold and hot
Setiap orang sudah kehabisan panas dan dingin dan panas
Monkeys got fire
Monyet terbakar
Feathers on the top
Bulu di atas
Burning giant mandolin
Membakar mandolin raksasa
Over the pigeon drop
Di atas merpati drop

Oldest game around
Game terlama di sekitar
Newest trick in town
Trik terbaru di kota
Sleight of hand
Oldest game around
Game terlama di sekitar
Newest trick in town
Trik terbaru di kota
Sleight of hand

The air is perfumed
Udara wangi
Burning much too slow
Membakar terlalu lambat
Filling up the room
Mengisi ruangan
Stumbling like a rose
Tersandung seperti mawar
Standing on the street
Berdiri di jalan
Watching the time roll past
Menonton waktu berlalu
You can smell the love
Anda bisa mencium cinta
And its disappearing fast
Dan lenyapnya cepat

Oldest game around
Game terlama di sekitar
Newest trick in town
Trik terbaru di kota
Sleight of hand
Oldest trick in town
Trik tertua di kota
Newest game around
Permainan terbaru sekitar
Sleight of hand

It's a symphony of growls
Ini adalah simfoni geraman
A private collection of invisible howls
Koleksi pribadi lolongan tak terlihat
The oldest game around
Permainan tertua di sekitar
A little sticky and totally sound
Sedikit lengket dan benar-benar terdengar
The air is perfumed
Udara wangi
Burning much too slow
Membakar terlalu lambat
Filling up the room
Mengisi ruangan
Stumbling like a rose
Tersandung seperti mawar

Oldest game around
Game terlama di sekitar
Newest trick in town
Trik terbaru di kota
Sleight of hand