Arti dan Lirik - Sick Ceremony

Their little girl said
Kata gadis kecil mereka
Don't tell me how you feel
Jangan beritahu saya bagaimana perasaan Anda
You don't understand
Kamu tidak mengerti
She painted the people
Dia melukis orang-orang
She disgusted on her way down
Dia jijik dalam perjalanan turun
All there is left now
Semua yang tersisa sekarang
Is a picture of them
Apakah foto mereka?
With their faces on it, and it's my fault
Dengan wajah mereka di atasnya, dan itu salahku

Black roses
Mawar hitam
As black as her hair
Seperti hitam seperti rambutnya
white sheets
lembaran putih
As pale as her face
Seperti pucat seperti wajahnya

She crossed her fingers
Dia menyilangkan jarinya
And apologized to them
Dan meminta maaf kepada mereka
Then she flew off
Lalu dia terbang
Into the stream
Ke arus
Went to the light
Pergi ke cahaya
Which faded meanwhile
Yang memudar sementara itu
Into the scratches on her cheeks
Ke dalam goresan di pipinya
And her raining soul
Dan jiwanya yang turun hujan

Red blood
darah merah
As red as her lips
Secerah bibirnya
Oh believe me
Oh percayalah
I loved her too much
Aku sangat mencintainya