lagu - Terjemahan Lirik See The Flames Begin To Rise

I've got pocketfuls of crumpled receipts, just about enough to start a fire. I'll watch the past just burn away. Put the mic stand through the amplifier. Put the bass down, bass down, one time, snap the neck now. Drum set, smash it. Kick the kick drum, one time, kicked in, smashed up, break it, break up.
Kuambil kuitansi kuitansi kumal, hampir cukup untuk menyalakan api. Aku akan melihat masa lalu hanya membakar pergi. Letakkan mic stand melalui amplifier. Letakkan bass ke bawah, baskan ke bawah, satu kali, jepret leher sekarang. Drum set, hancurkan. Tendang kick drum, satu kali, tendang masuk, pecah, pecah, putus.
See the flames begin to crawl, upward. Taste the anguish as they fall, unheard. Hear the record start to skip, unsung. Feel the weight that sunk the ship, so young.
Lihat nyala api mulai merangkak, ke atas. Rasakan derita saat mereka jatuh, tak pernah terdengar. Dengarkan rekaman mulai lewat, tanpa tanda jasa. Rasakan berat badan yang menenggelamkan kapal, begitu muda.
I've got notebooks full of misshapen words, I'll never speak them anymore. Ten years from now, you won't know my name. Throw the microphone down on the floor. Put the guitar, guitar, one time, through the speaker, splintered, broken. Throw the horns down, one time, horns down, smash them, break them, break up.
Aku punya buku catatan yang penuh dengan kata-kata yang tidak jelas, aku tidak akan pernah bisa memberitahunya lagi. Sepuluh tahun dari sekarang, Anda tidak akan tahu nama saya. Lemparkan mikrofon ke lantai. Letakkan gitar, gitar, satu kali, melalui speaker, pecah, rusak. Lemparkanlah tanduknya, suatu saat, tanduklah, hancurkan, hancurkan, pecah, putus.
The crowds recoil, demand our survival, fists in the air, mouths caked with saliva. But you are the one, the spark that was spawned, who picks up the pieces, and passes it on.
Kerumunan orang mundur, menuntut kelangsungan hidup kita, tinju di udara, mulut berlapis air liur. Tapi Andalah satu-satunya, percikan yang menelurkan, siapa yang mengangkat potongannya, dan meneruskannya.