Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Rocketown

A Friday night affair
Sebuah urusan Jumat malam
Out in the city heat
Keluar di kota panas
Always a party there
Selalu pesta di sana
Along the sordid street
Sepanjang jalan yang kotor
And it was guaranteed
Dan itu dijamin
The place to be was Rocketown
Tempat yang akan menjadi Rocketown

The drinks were two for one
Minumannya dua untuk satu
Inside the crowded bars
Di dalam bar yang ramai itu
The girls would make their run
Gadis-gadis itu akan lari
Down on the boulevard
Turun di boulevard
It was the idol place
Itu adalah tempat idola
We lived the ways of Rocketown
Kami tinggal di Rocketown
Hang around by the street light
Berkeliling lampu jalan
In the heart of the night life
Di jantung kehidupan malam

There came a certain man
Ada seorang pria tertentu
A stranger to the crowd
Orang asing untuk orang banyak
We didn't understand
Kami tidak mengerti
What he was all about
Apa yang dia semua tentang
He walked a different pace
Dia berjalan dengan kecepatan yang berbeda
So out of place in Rocketown
Jadi keluar dari tempat di Rocketown

They made a fool of him
Mereka mempermalukannya
They teased him when he's speak
Mereka menggodanya saat dia berbicara
But when they knocked him down
Tapi saat mereka menjatuhkannya
He turned the other cheek
Dia membalik pipi yang satunya lagi
He told me I could find
Dia bilang aku bisa menemukan
A life outside of Rocketown
Sebuah kehidupan di luar Rocketown
Hang around by the street light
Berkeliling lampu jalan
In the heart of the night life
Di jantung kehidupan malam

Paduan suara:
What was his mission
Apa misinya
Where was he going
Kemana dia pergi
Why was his heart light always glowing?
Mengapa cahaya hatinya selalu bersinar?
All I was missing
Semua saya hilang
He stood there holding
Dia berdiri di sana sambil memegang
What was his secret
Apa rahasianya?
Could I know it?
Bisakah saya mengetahuinya?

Some didn't like him near
Beberapa orang tidak menyukainya
Some laughed and turned away
Beberapa tertawa dan berpaling
But me, I longed to hear
Tapi aku, aku rindu untuk mendengarnya
All that he had to say
Semua itu dia katakan
He had a peace of mind
Dia memiliki ketenangan pikiran
I couldn't find in Rocketown
Aku tidak bisa menemukan di Rocketown
And when I reached down inside me
Dan saat aku mengulurkan tangan ke dalam tubuhku
I could feel the emptiness
Aku bisa merasakan kekosongan itu

He said it's in the heart
Dia bilang itu ada di hati
This change that comes to be
Perubahan inilah yang akan terjadi
Now he had done his part
Sekarang dia telah melakukan perannya
The rest was up to me
Sisanya terserah saya
As we were standing there
Saat kami berdiri di sana
He said a prayer for Rocketown
Dia mengucapkan doa untuk Rocketown
As we were standing there
Saat kami berdiri di sana
He said a prayer for Rocketown
Dia mengucapkan doa untuk Rocketown

He walked off silently
Dia berjalan tanpa suara
And prayed for me
Dan berdoa untuk saya
And Rocketown…
Dan Rocketown …