Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - Political Scientist

He is drinking water from the faucet from the river
Dia sedang minum air dari keran dari sungai
From the tributary it comes through the rusted pipes
Dari anak sungai itu datang melalui pipa berkarat
Outside the window he sees the water
Di luar jendela ia melihat air
Thats supposed to be clean by the chemicals
Itu seharusnya bersih oleh bahan kimia
Polluted by the candy factory lines
Terganggu oleh lini pabrik permen

Someplace on the edge of town
Tempat di pinggir kota
Someplace on the edge of town
Tempat di pinggir kota
Is where they live
Dimana mereka tinggal
Political scientists
Ilmuwan politik

So now she is crawling on her hands and her knees
Jadi sekarang dia merangkak di tangan dan lututnya
She is dirtying her jeans choking on her own perfume
Dia mengotori celana jinsnya yang tersedak parfumnya sendiri
With a pen she writes below the sink
Dengan pena dia menulis di bawah wastafel
In someones restaurant
Di restoran someones
This place is inconvenient for my name
Tempat ini merepotkan untuk namaku
she forgets to write it anyway
Namun dia lupa menuliskannya
She forgets to write it anyway
Dia lupa untuk menulisnya
The government supplies the cocaine
Pemerintah memasok kokain itu
Political scientists
Ilmuwan politik

There's no guarantees
Tidak ada jaminan
There's no guarantees
Tidak ada jaminan
There's no guarantees
Tidak ada jaminan

Banging hard upon a crooked drum
Banging keras pada drum yang bengkok
She feels them tearing down
Dia merasa mereka merobohkan
Salvation Army houses back in Michigan
Rumah Bala Keselamatan kembali di Michigan
Her husband's divorced
Suaminya bercerai
But he treats her that way of course
Tapi dia memperlakukannya seperti itu tentu saja
Because he needs her just like he needs medicine
Karena dia butuh dia sama seperti dia butuh obat

She forgets to write him anyway
Dia lupa menuliskannya
She forgets to write him anyway
Dia lupa menuliskannya
What's red and white and nearly over?
Apa yang merah dan putih dan hampir berakhir?
Political scientist
Ilmuwan politik
Political scientist
Ilmuwan politik
Political scientist
Ilmuwan politik

There's no guarantees
Tidak ada jaminan
There's no guarantees
Tidak ada jaminan
There's no guarantees
Tidak ada jaminan