Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Pickerel Lake

I wasn’t willing
Aku tidak mau
to fight on the floor,
untuk bertempur di lantai,
throwing the chairs
melempar kursi
through the door.
melalui pintu.
And I wasn’t willing
Dan aku tidak mau
to fight on the floor;
bertempur di lantai;
something to say to the poor.
sesuatu untuk dikatakan kepada orang miskin
The storms in July
Badai di bulan Juli
took off the trees,
menanggalkan pohon,
took off the plays-to-be.
Lepaskan play-to-be.
The animals died
Hewan-hewan itu mati
once in a while,
once in a while.

And I wasn’t willing
Dan aku tidak mau
to make up the bed,
untuk membuat tempat tidur,
folding the sheets
melipat seprai
to your head.
ke kepalamu
And I wasn’t willing
Dan aku tidak mau
to say it again;
untuk mengatakannya lagi;
waiting for things to begin.
menunggu hal untuk memulai
The storms in July
Badai di bulan Juli
took off the trees;
melepaskan pohon;
took off the the plays-to-be.
Lepaskan play-to-be.
The animals died
Hewan-hewan itu mati
once in a while,
once in a while.