lagu - Terjemahan Lirik Petty Larson

Your hands hold more than you know.
Tanganmu memegang lebih dari yang kau tahu.
The way your eyes will talk to me.
Cara matamu akan berbicara denganku
Every breath you breathe, Breathes right on Me.
Setiap nafas yang kamu hirup, Breathes right on Me.
What's been done around: Round and Round Again.
Apa yang telah dilakukan di sekitar: Putaran dan Putaran Lagi.
My eyes can see you Affecting me.
Mataku bisa melihatmu Mempengaruhi diriku.
But in the Unseen…
Tapi di gaib …
I have hands holding me from The Ground.
Aku memegang tanganku dari The Ground.

This is my life… Breathe Light, Breathe Life.
Inilah hidupku … Breathe Light, Breathe Life.

My eyes.
There already yours.
Sudah ada milikmu
My life.
It's Already yours.
Ini milikmu