Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Pearls Girl

rioja rioja
rioja rioja
reverend al green
pendeta al hijau
deep blue morocco
Maroko berwarna biru tua
the water on stone
air di atas batu
the water on concrete
air di atas beton
the water on sand
air di atas pasir
the water on fire smoke
air di atas asap api
the wind the salt the bride boat coming
angin garam perahu pengantin datang
dave in the water
dave di air
old man einstein on top of his house
pria tua einstein di atas rumahnya
white deep blue
putih biru tua
andalusia red yellow red yellow black car
andalusia merah kuning merah kuning mobil hitam
red light far black place walls
Dinding lampu merah jauh berwarna hitam
blue chair morocco
kursi biru morocco
hamburg paris
hamburg paris
the pieces of the puzzle are waiting
potongan-potongan teka-teki sedang menunggu
the water of the dark boats
air dari perahu-perahu yang gelap
gliding the bride boats
Meluncur ke perahu pengantin
gone out to sea
pergi ke laut
and dave is floating
dan dave mengambang
dave is floating
dave mengambang
and old man einstein crazy in his attic
dan orang tua einstein gila di lotengnya


white room
ruang putih
sun room
ruang matahari
shadow room
ruang bayangan
night transmitting cars
malam mentransmisikan mobil
across the room
di seberang ruangan
these things sent to dance
hal ini dikirim untuk menari
across the room
di seberang ruangan
eye watching from your bed
mengawasi dari tempat tidurmu
returning to you
kembali kepada kamu
rioja rioja
rioja rioja
reverend al green
pendeta al hijau
deep blue morocco
Maroko berwarna biru tua
the water on stone
air di atas batu
the water on concrete
air di atas beton
the water on sand
air di atas pasir
the water on fire smoke
air di atas asap api
the wind the salt the bride boat coming
angin garam perahu pengantin datang
dave in the water
dave di air
old man einstein on top of his house
pria tua einstein di atas rumahnya
white deep blue
putih biru tua
andalusia red yellow red yellow black car
andalusia merah kuning merah kuning mobil hitam
red light far black place walls
Dinding lampu merah jauh berwarna hitam
blue chair morocco
kursi biru morocco
hamburg paris
hamburg paris
the pieces of the puzzle are waiting
potongan-potongan teka-teki sedang menunggu
the water of the dark boats
air dari perahu-perahu yang gelap
gliding the bride boats
Meluncur ke perahu pengantin
gone out to sea
pergi ke laut
and dave is floating
dan dave mengambang
dave is floating
dave mengambang
and old man einstein crazy in his attic
dan orang tua einstein gila di lotengnya
