- Lagu One Girl Army Lirik Terjemahan

Here lies the old myth,
Inilah letak mitos lama,
breaking the mold with,
memecahkan cetakan dengan,
truth to take away the trickery.
kebenaran untuk mengambil tipuan.
Twenty centuries of progress,
Dua puluh abad kemajuan,
suffer slowly as we regress,
menderita perlahan saat kita mundur,
losing headway to ourselves.
kehilangan kemajuan pada diri kita sendiri.
Behold the covers, the sisters, the mothers,
Lihatlah selimut, saudara perempuan, ibu,
the daughters, and spouses, on the magazines.
anak perempuan, dan pasangan, di majalah.
Truth has been abused.
Kebenaran telah disalahgunakan.
How could she fill those shoes?
Bagaimana dia bisa mengisi sepatu itu?
Propaganda meant to fuel their schemes.
Propaganda dimaksudkan untuk memberi bahan bakar pada skema mereka.

She is strong but never silent,
Dia kuat tapi tidak pernah diam,
sure of where her truth/strength comes from.,
Tentu dari mana kebenarannya berasal?.
one day, one girl army will overcome.
Suatu hari, satu tentara akan diatasi.
Treading the current, issues at hand,
Menginjak arus, masalah yang dihadapi,
Shifting, we sway, from justice and then back again.
Pergeseran, kita bergoyang, dari keadilan lalu kembali lagi.
What we once broke, He has made right,
Apa yang pernah kami bangkrut, dia telah benar,
lifting her up, giving birth to Jesus Christ.
mengangkatnya, melahirkan Yesus Kristus.