- No Rehearsal Lirik Terjemahan

Did you learn your lines today?
Apakah Anda mempelajari garis Anda hari ini?
Well, there is no rehearsal.
Nah, tidak ada latihan.
The tickets have all been sold
Tiket terjual habis
For tomorrow's matinee.
Untuk acara besok siang.
There's a telegram from the writer,
Ada telegram dari penulis,
But there is no rehearsal.
Tapi tidak ada latihan.
The electrician has been told
Tukang listrik telah diberitahu
To make the spotlights brighter.
Untuk membuat lampu sorot semakin terang.
There's one seat in the circle,
Ada satu kursi di lingkaran,
Five hundred million in the stalls.
Lima ratus juta di warung.
Simply everyone will be there,
Cukup semua orang akan berada di sana,
But the safety curtain falls
Tapi tirai pengamannya jatuh
When the bomb that's in the dressing room
Saat bom itu ada di ruang ganti
Blows the windows from their frames.
Blows windows dari frame mereka.
And the prompter in his corner
Dan si pembisik di sudutnya
Is sorry that he came.
Maaf dia datang.

There's one seat in the circle,
Ada satu kursi di lingkaran,
Five hundred million in the stalls.
Lima ratus juta di warung.
Simply everyone will be there,
Cukup semua orang akan berada di sana,
But the safety curtain falls
Tapi tirai pengamannya jatuh
When the bomb that's in the dressing room
Saat bom itu ada di ruang ganti
Blows the windows from their frames.
Blows windows dari frame mereka.
And the prompter in his corner
Dan si pembisik di sudutnya
Is sorry that he came.
Maaf dia datang.

When the bomb that's in the dressing room
Saat bom itu ada di ruang ganti
Blows the windows from their frames.
Blows windows dari frame mereka.
And the prompter in his corner
Dan si pembisik di sudutnya
Is sorry that he came.
Maaf dia datang.

Did you learn your lines today?
Apakah Anda mempelajari garis Anda hari ini?
Well there is no rehearsal.
Nah tidak ada latihan.
The interval will last
Interval akan berlangsung
Until the ice-cream lady melts away.
Sampai wanita es krim itu mencair.
The twelve piece orchestra are here,
Orkestra dua belas bagian ada di sini,
But there is no rehearsal.
Tapi tidak ada latihan.
The first violinist's hands are chilled
Tangan pemain biola pertama kedinginan
He's gone deaf in both ears.
Dia sudah tuli di kedua telinga.
Well, the scenery is colourful,
Nah, pemandangannya berwarna-warni,
But the paint is so damn thin.
Tapi catnya sangat tipis.
You see the wall behind is crumbling,
Anda melihat dinding di belakang runtuh,
And the stage door is bricked-in.
Dan pintu panggung bata-masuk
But the audience keep arriving 'till
Tapi penonton terus berdatangan sampai
They're standing in the wings.
Mereka berdiri di sayap.
And we take the final curtain call,
Dan kita menerima panggilan terakhir,
And the ceiling crashes in.
Dan langit-langitnya macet.