lagu - Terjemahan Lirik Love In The Library

On the corner of Government and Bay Avenue
Di sudut Pemerintahan dan Bay Avenue
The old doomsday fanatic wore a crown of kudzu
Si fanatik zaman dulu memakai mahkota kudzu
Sirens where wailing in the gulf coastal heat
Sirene di mana meratap di pesisir pantai panas
And it seemed like the whole world was in forced retreat
Dan sepertinya seluruh dunia terpaksa mundur
I paid no attention, revolved through the door
Aku tidak memerhatikan, berputar melalui pintu
Passed the newspaper rack on the worn marble floor
Melewati rak surat kabar di lantai marmer usang
Near civil war history my heart skipped a beat
Dekat sejarah perang saudara jantungku berdegup kencang
She was standing on fiction stretched high on bare feet
Dia berdiri di atas fiksi yang terentang tinggi di atas kaki telanjang

Paduan suara
Love in the library, quiet and cool
Cinta di perpustakaan, tenang dan sejuk
Love in the library, there are no rules
Cinta di perpustakaan, tidak ada peraturan
Surrounded by stories surreal and sublime
Dikelilingi oleh cerita yang surealis dan agung
I fell in love in the library once upon a time
Aku langsung jatuh cinta di perpustakaan

I was the pirate and she was the queen
Aku adalah bajak laut dan dia adalah ratu
Sir Francis and Elizabeth the best there's ever been
Sir Francis dan Elizabeth yang terbaik pernah ada
Then she strolled past my table and stopped at the stairs
Lalu dia berjalan melewati mejaku dan berhenti di tangga
Then sent me a smile as she reached for Flaubert
Lalu aku tersenyum saat meraih Flaubert

Paduan suara
She gathered her books, walked while she read
Dia mengumpulkan buku-bukunya, berjalan sambil membaca
Words never spoken but so much was said
Kata-kata tidak pernah diucapkan tapi begitu banyak yang dikatakan
You can read all you want into this rendezvous
Anda bisa membaca semua yang Anda inginkan ke pertemuan ini
But it's safer than most things that lovers can do
Tapi itu lebih aman daripada kebanyakan hal yang bisa dilakukan kekasih
Well stories have endings and fantasies fade
Cerita bagus memiliki akhir dan fantasi memudar
The guard by the door starts drawing the shade
Penjaga di dekat pintu mulai menggambar keteduhan
So write your own ending and hope they come true
Jadi tuliskan endingmu sendiri dan berharap mereka menjadi kenyataan
For the lovers and strangers on Bay Avenue
Bagi para pecinta dan orang asing di Bay Avenue
Paduan suara