Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - Like An Eagle

There's a place where I can take you
Ada tempat dimana aku bisa membawamu
You will not believe your eyes
Anda tidak akan percaya mata Anda
It's the journey of a lifetime
Ini adalah perjalanan seumur hidup
Where imagination flies (HINDI)
Dimana imajinasi lalat (HINDI)
(HINDI)If you believe (HINDI)
(HINDI) Jika Anda percaya (HINDI)
Watch me step into my dream
Perhatikan aku masuk ke dalam mimpiku

Like the eagle
Seperti elang
Was born to fly
Terlahir untuk terbang
Right across the open sky
Tepat di seberang langit terbuka
I was born
saya dilahirkan
To be seen on a screen
Untuk dilihat di layar
In Bollywood
Di indonesia
Everybody has their moment
Semua orang memiliki momen mereka
When their world begins to shine
Saat dunia mereka mulai bersinar
Got to keep the fire inside you
Harus menjaga api di dalam dirimu
Everything will turn out fine
Semuanya akan baik-baik saja
If you believe
Jika kamu percaya
Watch me step into my dream
Perhatikan aku masuk ke dalam mimpiku


Like the eagle
Seperti elang
Was born to fly
Terlahir untuk terbang
Right across the open sky
Tepat di seberang langit terbuka
I was born
saya dilahirkan
To be seen on a screen
Untuk dilihat di layar
In Bollywood
Di indonesia

Like the eagle
Seperti elang
Was born to soar
Terlahir melambung
High above the ocean's roar
Tinggi di atas raungan samudra
I was born
saya dilahirkan
To believe in the dream
Memercayai mimpi itu
Of Bollywood
Dari Bollywood

Like the eagle
Seperti elang
Was born to fly
Terlahir untuk terbang
Right across the open sky
Tepat di seberang langit terbuka
I was born
saya dilahirkan
To be seen on a screen
Untuk dilihat di layar
In Bollywood
Di indonesia

Like the eagle
Seperti elang
Was born to soar
Terlahir melambung
High above the ocean's roar
Tinggi di atas raungan samudra
I was born
saya dilahirkan
To believe in the dream
Memercayai mimpi itu
Of Bollywood
Dari Bollywood

I was born
saya dilahirkan
To change the face
Untuk mengganti wajah
Of Bollywood
Dari Bollywood