Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - June 18, 1976

You were born in KC, Missouri
Anda lahir di KC, Missouri
To a girl who wasn't married
Kepada seorang gadis yang belum menikah
After your birth she brought you to the nursery
Setelah kelahiran Anda, dia membawa Anda ke kamar bayi
Kissed your head and told you not to worry
Mencium kepala Anda dan menyuruh Anda untuk tidak khawatir
And the quietly she turned and slipped away
Dan pelan dia berbalik dan menyelinap pergi

In the elevator her heart began to pound
Di dalam lift jantungnya mulai berdegup kencang
To the rooftop, in her slippers, and her gown
Ke atap, di sandal, dan gaunnya
On the edge, she took one last look around
Di tepinya, dia melihat terakhir kalinya
Then closed her eyes and pushed away
Lalu tutup matanya dan menjauh

Speeding toward the ground
Cepat menuju tanah
Through the air without a sound
Melalui udara tanpa suara
So gracefully
Jadi anggun

Twelve flights down, nearly naked on the ground
Dua belas penerbangan turun, hampir telanjang di tanah
Skin and tragedy always attract a crowd
Kulit dan tragedi selalu menarik perhatian orang banyak
So it was when the policeman came around
Jadi saat polisi datang
He took more than fifty eyewitness accounts
Dia mengambil lebih dari lima puluh laporan saksi mata
Each one in awe, for they'd never seen a girl so sad and beautiful
Masing-masing kagum, karena mereka belum pernah melihat gadis yang begitu sedih dan cantik

Speeding toward the ground
Cepat menuju tanah
Through the air without a sound
Melalui udara tanpa suara
Speeding toward the ground
Cepat menuju tanah
Through the air without a sound
Melalui udara tanpa suara
So gracefully
Jadi anggun