Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu I'm The Pied Piper (Instrumental)

As soon as he turned it on
Begitu dia menyalakannya
The wind outside of his room
Angin di luar kamarnya
Stirred up for a few seconds
Diaduk selama beberapa detik

He thought to himself
Dia berpikir dalam hati
“I’ll climb out my window
“Aku akan memanjat keluar jendelaku
And go sit out there with my radio”
Dan pergi duduk di luar sana dengan radio saya “

Out the window he went
Dari jendela ia pergi
Sitting against a small stump
Duduk melawan tunggul kecil
Behind some flowerbeds
Di balik beberapa bunga

The light from his bedroom window he could still see
Cahaya dari jendela kamar tidurnya masih bisa dilihatnya
The music of Bach was playing
Musik Bach sedang diputar

After a while it began to sound distant
Setelah beberapa lama mulai terdengar jauh
As the young prince gazed at this radio on his knee
Saat pangeran muda itu menatap radio ini di atas lututnya
The music was floating away from his hearing
Musiknya melayang jauh dari pendengarannya

What could be happening
Apa yang bisa terjadi?
He took it off of his knee
Dia melepaskannya dari lututnya
And put the radio to his ear
Dan letakkan radio itu di telinganya
Nothing happened
Tidak ada yang terjadi

Then the transistor left his hands
Lalu transistor meninggalkan tangannya
And was floating in the mid-air
Dan mengapung di udara
Two feet off the ground
Dua kaki dari tanah

As the prince laughed
Sebagai pangeran tertawa
It suddenly turned around
Tiba-tiba berbalik
And it was light green phosphourous in color
Dan warnanya berwarna hijau muda

Dancing back and forth
Menari bolak-balik
The magic transistor
Transistor ajaib
Started moving down his path
Mulai bergerak menyusuri jalannya

He could hear the sound out
Dia bisa mendengar suara itu keluar
Like nothing he had ever heard before
Seperti tidak ada yang pernah didengarnya sebelumnya

The trees were getting closer together
Pohon-pohon semakin dekat
And flowers glowed with tinges of magic light
Dan bunga bersinar dengan sinar lampu ajaib
As he followed thinking to himself
Saat dia mengikuti berpikir untuk dirinya sendiri
“What’s going on?”
“Apa yang sedang terjadi?”

The transistor lifted slowly
Transistor terangkat perlahan
Up to the top of a little tree
Sampai di atas sebuah pohon kecil
And sat there
Dan duduk di sana
While it slowly became louder
Sementara itu perlahan menjadi lebih keras
To where the prince could hear it clearly
Ke mana pangeran bisa mendengarnya dengan jelas

Fireflies shot across the path in front of the prince
Api api melintas di jalan di depan pangeran
He turned around and couldn’t see the light from his window
Dia berbalik dan tidak bisa melihat cahaya dari jendelanya
There he was watching all alone all by himself
Di sana ia melihat sendirian sendirian
He got a hunch to get back to his room
Dia mendapat firasat untuk kembali ke kamarnya
And he turned and ran right back
Dan dia berbalik dan berlari kembali