Arti Lirik - Gary Gilmore's Eyes

I'm lying in a hospital,
Aku terbaring di rumah sakit,
I'm pinned against the bed.
Aku disematkan di tempat tidur.
A stethoscope upon my heart,
Stetoskop di hatiku,
A hand against my head.
Sebuah tangan melawan kepalaku.
They're peeling off the bandages.
Mereka mengelupas perban.
I'm wincing in the light.
Aku mengernyit dalam terang.
The nurse is looking anxious,
Perawat itu tampak cemas,
And she's quivering in fright…
Dan dia bergetar ketakutan …

I'm looking through Gary Gilmore's eyes.
Aku melihat melalui mata Gary Gilmore.

The doctors are avoiding me.
Para dokter menghindari saya.
My vision is confused.
Visi saya bingung.
I listen to my earphones,
Saya mendengarkan earphone saya,
And I catch the evening news.
Dan aku menangkap berita malam.
A murderer's been killed,
Seorang pembunuh terbunuh,
And he donates his sight to science.
Dan dia menyumbangkan pandangannya ke sains.
I'm locked into a private ward.
Aku terkunci di bangsal pribadi.
I realise that I must be…
Saya menyadari bahwa saya harus …

Looking through Gary Gilmore's eyes.
Melihat melalui mata Gary Gilmore.

Looking through Gary Gilmore's eyes.
Melihat melalui mata Gary Gilmore.

I smash the light in anger.
Aku menghancurkan cahaya dalam kemarahan.
Push my bed against the door.
Dorong tempat tidurku ke pintu.
I close my lids across my eyes,
Aku menutup kelopaknya di mataku,
And wish to see no more.
Dan ingin tidak melihat lagi.
The eye receives the messages,
Mata menerima pesan,
And sends them to the brain.
Dan mengirim mereka ke otak.
No guarantee the stimuli must be perceived the same…
Tidak ada jaminan rangsangan harus dirasakan sama …

When looking through Gary Gilmore's eyes.
Saat melihat melalui mata Gary Gilmore.

Gary don't need his eyes to see.
Gary tidak perlu melihat matanya.
Gary and his eyes have parted company.
Gary dan matanya berpisah.