Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Flowered Rug

Dust Pan
Debu Pan
Dust Pan
Debu Pan
Garbage Can
Tempat sampah
Garbage Can
Tempat sampah
Water Can
Kaleng air
Water Can
Kaleng air
Dust pan
Panci debu
Garbage Can
Tempat sampah
The Water Can
Air bisa
The Flowered Rug
Rug Berbunga
The Flowered Rug
Rug Berbunga
The Flowered Rug
Rug Berbunga
Laundry Basket
Keranjang cucian
Laundry Basket
Keranjang cucian
Laundry Basket!!!!!!!!
Keranjang cucian!!!!!!!!
Laundry Basket!!!!!!!!!!
Keranjang cucian!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Yo!
Hey Yo!
We Got the Ceramic Lion
Kami Punya Singa Keramik
I’m not lyin’
Aku tidak lyin ‘
No denyin’
Tidak menyangkal
I’m tryin’ to tell ya
Aku mencoba mengatakannya padamu
We got the 12 ounce coffee cup
Kami mendapat cangkir kopi 12 ons
Yup, Yup, Yup, Yup!
Yup, Yup, Yup, Yup!
12 ounce coffee
12 ons kopi
Don’t try to toss me
Jangan mencoba melempariku
Holly Salasi
Holly Salasi
Nossey, Tossey
Nossey, Tossey
Yo gettin’ Saucy!
Yo gettin ‘Saucy!

Dust Pan
Debu Pan
Garbage Can
Tempat sampah
Water Can
Kaleng air
The Flowered Rug
Rug Berbunga
Laundry Basket…
Keranjang cucian…