Terjemahan Lirik - Fatally Beautiful

She was born in the back of a thirty four Ford
Dia lahir di belakang Ford tiga puluh empat
And raised in a foster home
Dan dibesarkan di rumah asuh
Her guardian made sexual connection with her
Penjaganya melakukan hubungan seksual dengannya
Before she was even grown
Sebelum dia tumbuh dewasa
When she was fifteen she fell in love
Saat berumur lima belas tahun, dia jatuh cinta
With a boy who had a fast car
Dengan anak laki-laki yang punya mobil cepat
But she was timid and withdrawn
Tapi dia malu-malu dan mundur
So she worshipped him from afar
Jadi dia menyembahnya dari jauh

Still he couldn’t help but notice her
Tetap saja dia tidak bisa tidak memerhatikannya
She was fatally beautiful
Dia cantik sekali
Ever since she was a girl
Sejak dia masih perempuan
She was fatally beautiful
Dia cantik sekali

She ran away to the city the next year
Dia lari ke kota tahun depan
Disowned out of jealousy
Tidak diakui karena cemburu
And she frightened men with her figure
Dan dia menakut-nakuti pria dengan sosoknya
So they treated here like a sleaze
Jadi mereka diperlakukan seperti bajingan
She lived cross the street from a piss factory
Dia tinggal menyeberang jalan dari pabrik kencing
As dark as the sun is bright
Sesama matahari cerah
The kind where you think you just went blind
Jenis di mana Anda pikir Anda hanya menjadi buta
When you walk in from the daylight
Saat Anda masuk dari siang hari

Still they couldn’t help but notice her
Tetap saja mereka tidak bisa tidak memerhatikannya
She was fatally beautiful
Dia cantik sekali
Ever since she was a girl
Sejak dia masih perempuan
She was fatally beautiful
Dia cantik sekali

She was discovered by a man three times her age
Dia ditemukan oleh seorang pria tiga kali usianya
Who worked for a studio
Siapa yang bekerja di studio?
And he bought her dresses and perfume
Dan dia membeli gaun dan parfumnya
And moved her into his home
Dan memindahkannya ke rumahnya
He got her a part in a comedy
Dia memberinya peran dalam komedi
Where she played a dumb blonde whore
Dimana dia memainkan pelacur pirang bodoh
And she posed without clothes for a magazine
Dan dia berpose tanpa pakaian untuk majalah
And the offers came in by the score
Dan penawaran masuk oleh skor

In a restaurant in Brussels she pulls back her hair
Di sebuah restoran di Brussels dia menarik kembali rambutnya
Picks up a candle and lights a cigarette
Menaruh lilin dan menyalakan sebatang rokok
And she’s recognized by a tourist
Dan dia dikenali oleh turis
Who can’t see her face but knows her silhouette
Siapa yang tidak bisa melihat wajahnya tapi tahu siluetnya
He imagines her robe as it drops to the floor
Dia membayangkan jubahnya saat jatuh ke lantai
He imagines her skin soft to touch
Dia membayangkan kulitnya lembut untuk disentuh
He imagines her naked on silk sheets
Dia membayangkannya telanjang di atas lembaran sutra
The morning she never woke up
Pagi hari dia tidak pernah terbangun

Still I couldn’t help but notice her
Tetap saja aku tidak bisa tidak memperhatikannya
She was fatally beautiful
Dia cantik sekali
Ever since she was a girl
Sejak dia masih perempuan
She was fatally beautiful
Dia cantik sekali