lagu - Terjemahan Lirik East Of Ginger Trees

Go east of your dream and farm
Pergi ke timur dari mimpi dan pertanian Anda
Let peace and silence spin your yarn
Biarkan kedamaian dan keheningan memutar benang Anda
What harm can befall thee in yon “Wilderness of Clove”
Apa kerugian yang bisa menimpa Anda di “Wilderness of Clove”

Go on east of ginger trees
Pergilah ke timur pohon jahe
Go soft and silent like the breeze
Pergi lembut dan diam seperti angin sepoi-sepoi
With ease be off and wander in yon “Wilderness of Clove”
Dengan mudah pergi dan berkeliaran di yon “Wilderness of Clove”

Go on past the goldenrods
Pergilah melewati goldenrods
Where fools and angels lose their odds
Dimana orang bodoh dan malaikat kehilangan peluang
And gods of our ancestors
Dan allah nenek moyang kita
Did immerse themselves in Clove
Apakah membenamkan diri di Cengkeh

Go on toward the “Crimson Shore”
Pergilah ke arah “Pantai Crimson”
Beyond this life of metaphors
Di luar kehidupan metafora ini
Where doors of understanding's house
Dimana pintu rumah pengertian
Decorates He them with Clove
Hiasi Dia dengan Cengkeh

“Be lions roaring in the forests of knowledge
“Jadilah singa mengaum di hutan pengetahuan
Whales swimming in the oceans of life”
Paus berenang di lautan kehidupan “
Prepare to meet Bahá'u'lláh in the “Garden of Clove”
Bersiaplah untuk bertemu Bah & aacute; ‘u’ll & aacute; h di “Garden of Clove”