Arti dan Lirik - Demon Of The Fall

Silent dance with death.
Tarian diam dengan kematian.
Everything is lost.
Semuanya hilang
Torn by the arrival of Autumn.
Terputus oleh musim gugur.
The blink of an eye, you know it's me.
Sekejap mata, kau tahu itu aku.
You keep the dagger close at hand.
Anda menjaga keris di tangan.
And you saw nothing.
Dan Anda tidak melihat apa-apa.
False love turned to pure hate.
Cinta palsu beralih ke kebencian murni.
The wind cried a lamentation,
Angin menangis meratap,
before merging with the grey.
sebelum penggabungan dengan abu-abu.
Demon of the fall.
Iblis jatuh.
Gasping for another breath.
Sambil terengah-engah.
She rose, screaming at closed doors.
Dia bangkit, menjerit di pintu tertutup.
Seductive faint mist forging
Sedot tempa samar menggoda
through the cracks in the wall.
melalui retakan di dinding.
I shant resist.
Aku menolak.
In tears for all of eternity.
Menangis untuk selamanya.
She turned around and faced me for the first time.
Dia berbalik dan menatapku untuk pertama kalinya.
Run away, run away.
Lari, kabur.
Just one second, and I was left with nothing.
Sebentar, dan aku tidak punya apa-apa.
Her fragrance still pulsating through damp air.
Aromanya masih berdenyut melalui udara lembap.
That day came to an end.
Hari itu berakhir.
And she had lost in me, her credence.
Dan dia telah kehilangan dalam diriku, kepercayaannya.