Arti Lirik - Darby's Castle

See the ruin on the hill
Lihatlah kehancuran di atas bukit
where the smoke is hangin still
dimana asapnya masih hangin
like an echo of an age long forgotten
seperti gema zaman yang sudah lama terlupakan
theres a story of a home
Ada cerita tentang sebuah rumah
crushed beneath those blackened stones
hancur di bawah batu-batu yang menghitam itu
and the roof that fell before the beams were rotten
dan atap yang jatuh sebelum balok busuk itu busuk
Cecil Darby loved his wife
Cecil Darby mencintai istrinya
and he labored all his life
dan dia bekerja sepanjang hidupnya
to provide her with material possessions
untuk memberinya barang-barang material
and he built for her a home
dan dia membangun rumahnya untuknya
of the finest wood and stone
dari kayu dan batu terbaik
and the building soon became his sole obsession
dan gedung itu segera menjadi obsesinya sendiri

oh it took 300 days
oh butuh 300 hari
for the timbers to be raised
untuk timbers yang akan dimunculkan
and the silhouette was seen from miles around
dan siluet itu terlihat dari jarak sekitar mil
and the gables reached as high
dan gables mencapai setinggi
as the eagles in the sky
seperti elang di langit
but it only took one night to bring it down
Tapi hanya butuh satu malam untuk menurunkannya
when Darby's castle tumbled to the ground
Saat istana Darby terjatuh ke tanah

though they shared a common bed
meskipun mereka berbagi tempat tidur biasa
there was precious little said
Ada sedikit kata berharga
in the moments that were set aside for sleepin'
pada saat-saat yang disisihkan untuk tidur ‘
for his busy dreams were filled
karena impiannya yang sibuk dipenuhi
with the rooms he'd yet to build
dengan ruangan yang belum dia bangun
and he never heard young Helen Darby weepin'
dan dia tidak pernah mendengar Helen Darby muda menangis ‘
then one night he heard a sound
Suatu malam dia mendengar sebuah suara
as he layed his pencil down
Saat ia meletakkan pensilnya ke bawah
and traced it to her door and turned the handle
dan melacaknya ke pintunya dan memutar gagangnya
and the pale light of the moon
dan cahaya pucat bulan
through the window of the room
melalui jendela ruangan
split the shadows where two bodies lay entangled
Membelah bayangan di mana dua mayat tergeletak terjerat

oh it took 300 days
oh butuh 300 hari
for the timbers to be raised
untuk timbers yang akan dimunculkan
and the silhouette was seen from miles around
dan siluet itu terlihat dari jarak sekitar mil
and the gables reached as high
dan gables mencapai setinggi
as the eagles in the sky
seperti elang di langit
but it only took one night to bring it down
Tapi hanya butuh satu malam untuk menurunkannya
when Darby's castle tumbled to the ground
Saat istana Darby terjatuh ke tanah