Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Can't Happen Here

Late last night I tripped in
Larut malam aku tersandung
violent shades of green
warna hijau yang ganas
1000 voiceless faces were chasing me
1000 wajah tak bersuara mengejar saya
I ran through the air as thick as glue
Aku berlari menembus udara setebal lem
Through night as black as hate my spirit fled
Sepanjang malam seperi benci rohku kabur
Through branches filled with thorns
Melalui cabang-cabang yang penuh dengan duri
my eyes bled and bled
mataku berdarah dan berdarah
How could I ever hope to win this race
Bagaimana saya bisa berharap bisa memenangkan lomba ini?
When everytime I close my eyes I see your face
Bila setiap kali saya menutup mata, saya melihat wajah Anda
It just can't happen here (repeat)
Itu tidak bisa terjadi di sini (ulangi)