Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Bonneville

By Turtle Lake
Dengan Danau Penyu
The dawn began to break
Fajar mulai pecah
Green glowed that bonneville, her father's car
Hijau bersinar bahwa Bonneville, mobil ayahnya
We stayed out long
Kami tinggal lama
Her kisses were sweet and strong
Ciumannya manis dan kuat
Far from the kitchen of her daddy's farm
Jauh dari dapur peternakan ayahnya
Into dreams we walked
Ke dalam mimpi kita berjalan
Whistled and talked
Bersiul dan berbicara
Then from the yellow bills of mourning doves
Lalu dari kuning kado merpati
Came a daylight song
Datanglah sebuah lagu siang hari
Happy sad song
Selamat lagu sedih
Dreamed that we had come to be in love
Bermimpi bahwa kita telah jatuh cinta

By Turtle Lake
Dengan Danau Penyu
The road began to shake
Jalan mulai goyang
(Dawn began to break)
(Fajar mulai pecah)
Cars on that motorway beyond the hill
Mobil di jalan raya itu berada di luar bukit
(sun began to shine)
(matahari mulai bersinar)
Both chairs reclined
Kedua kursi bersandar
She seemed so completely mind
Dia tampak sangat keberatan
(A dream so completely fine)
(Sebuah mimpi jadi baik-baik saja)
She lies beside me in that Bonneville
Dia berada di sampingku di Bonneville itu
On our way we heard bells
Dalam perjalanan kami, kami mendengar bel
Sunday school ells
Lonceng sekolah minggu
She says her father might be worried now
Dia bilang ayahnya mungkin khawatir sekarang

When her dad woke he must've known that the dam was broke
Saat ayahnya terbangun dia pasti sudah tahu bahwa bendungan itu bangkrut
Meanwhile she drives me to my place in town
Sementara itu dia mengantarku ke tempatku di kota

Into dreams we walked
Ke dalam mimpi kita berjalan
Whistled and talked
Bersiul dan berbicara
Then from the yellow bills of mourning doves
Lalu dari kuning kado merpati
Came a daylight song
Datanglah sebuah lagu siang hari
Happy sad song
Selamat lagu sedih
Seems like we might come to be in love
Sepertinya kita mungkin jatuh cinta
Coo coo coo coo
Coo coo coo coo
Coo coo coo coo
Coo coo coo coo
Dreamed that we had come to be in love
Bermimpi bahwa kita telah jatuh cinta
Seems like we might come to be in love
Sepertinya kita mungkin jatuh cinta