Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - Bon Soir, Bon Soir

It’s beach blanket bingo
It’s pantai selimut bingo
At the end of the day
Pada akhir hari
And his eyes are like wading pools
Dan matanya seperti kolam rendam
And his feet are like clay
Dan kakinya seperti tanah liat
And he drifts through the crowd
Dan dia melayang di antara kerumunan
They all know who he is
Mereka semua tahu siapa dia
They have seen him before
Mereka pernah melihatnya sebelumnya
He’s just a friend of his
Dia hanya teman nya
Oh, get out of the car
Oh, keluarlah dari mobil
Bon soir bon soir
Bon soir bon soir
Now his prey is on the gentle
Sekarang mangsanya ada di atas lembut
Like a bully or a jerk
Seperti pengganggu atau brengsek
He may call you at home
Dia mungkin akan menelepon Anda di rumah
Or he may call you at work
Atau dia mungkin akan menelepon Anda di tempat kerja
Manipulate your conscience
Memanipulasi hati nurani Anda
Is his own private game
Adalah permainan pribadinya sendiri
You can drive him around
Anda bisa mengantarnya berkeliling
Till he drives you insane
Sampai dia membuatmu gila
Get out of the car
Keluar dari mobil
Bon soir bon soir
Bon soir bon soir
Now it’s not like he’s stupid
Sekarang tidak seperti dia bodoh
He’s as smart as a whip
Dia secerdas cambuk
As the bottle grows empty
Seiring botolnya tumbuh kosong
He will tighten his grip
Dia akan mengencangkan cengkeramannya
And he senses that you’re weaker
Dan dia merasa bahwa Anda lebih lemah
It’s not even noon
Sekarang sudah siang
Every moment with him
Setiap saat bersamanya
Is a moment too soon
Sesaat terlalu cepat
Get out of the car
Keluar dari mobil
Bon soir bon soir
Bon soir bon soir
What a penis you are
Apa itu penis Anda?
Bon soir bon soir
Bon soir bon soir