Terjemahan Lirik - Black Souls

Dark seeds were planted,
Benih gelap ditanam,
When the king gave up his throne.
Saat raja menyerahkan takhtanya.
Lost to deception
Kehilangan penipuan
Through his flesh and bone.
Melalui daging dan tulangnya.
His queen enchantres believed the dragon’s lie.
Ratu mempesona mempercayai kebohongan naga itu.
Their souls infected and now began to die.
Jiwa mereka terinfeksi dan sekarang mulai mati.

The flaming sword, the wicked spell,
Pedang yang menyala, mantra jahat,
Dominion lost to the gates of hell.
Dominion tersesat di gerbang neraka.

Vile pride brought death and fear.
Kebanggaan vile membawa kematian dan ketakutan.
Legacy of the black souls.
Warisan jiwa kulit hitam.
Sorrows grow in a sea of tears.
Kesedihan tumbuh di lautan air mata.
Legacy of the black souls.
Warisan jiwa kulit hitam.
Only the blood of the alien can kill this wicked curse,
Hanya darah orang asing yang bisa membunuh kutukan jahat ini,
And bring an end to the age of sin.
Dan mengakhiri zaman dosa.
Legacy of the black souls.
Warisan jiwa kulit hitam.

The nails were pounded, the blood began to flow.
Kuku ditumbuk, darah mulai mengalir.
The horde defeated with a single blow.
Gerombolan itu dikalahkan dengan pukulan tunggal.
Behold the potion that broke the dragon’s spell.
Lihatlah ramuan yang mematahkan mantra naga itu.
The one who was dead
Orang yang sudah meninggal
Is now alive and well.
Sekarang hidup dan sehat.

The sacred blood, the broken spell.
Darah suci, mantra yang rusak.
Lightning crashed through the gates of hell.
Petir menabrak gerbang neraka.
Vile pride brought death and fear.
Kebanggaan vile membawa kematian dan ketakutan.
Legacy of the black souls.
Warisan jiwa kulit hitam.
Sorrows grow in a sea of tears.
Kesedihan tumbuh di lautan air mata.
Legacy of the black souls.
Warisan jiwa kulit hitam.
Only the blood of the alien can kill this wicked curse,
Hanya darah orang asing yang bisa membunuh kutukan jahat ini,
And bring an end to the age of sin.
Dan mengakhiri zaman dosa.
Legacy of the black souls.
Warisan jiwa kulit hitam.