Arti Lirik - Bigtime Operators

Well, they told me to come on over
Nah, mereka menyuruh saya untuk datang lagi
I made my way to New York
Aku berjalan ke New York
And they tried to have me deported
Dan mereka mencoba menyuruh saya dideportasi
Stop me from getting work
Hentikan aku dari mendapatkan pekerjaan
Blacklisted me all over
Blacklisted saya seluruh
They were vicious and they were mean
Mereka jahat dan mereka jahat
They were bigtime operators
Mereka adalah operator besar
Baby, on the music business scene
Baby, di scene bisnis musik

Oh, they looked like politicians
Oh, mereka tampak seperti politisi
But underneath they were thugs
Tapi di baliknya ada preman
And they spread malicious rumours
Dan mereka menyebarkan desas-desus yang berbahaya
Threatened to have me busted for drugs
Terancam memiliki saya rusak karena narkoba
They had nothing on me
Mereka tidak memiliki apapun pada saya
Oh man, I was really clean
Oh man, saya benar-benar bersih
But they were bigtime operators
Tapi mereka operator besar
On the music business scene
Di scene bisnis musik

They put a bug in my apartment
Mereka memasang bug di apartemenku
To listen in on my calls
Untuk mendengarkan panggilan saya
I was looking for some motivation
Saya sedang mencari beberapa motivasi
I couldn't find any, any motivation at all
Saya tidak dapat menemukan apapun, ada motivasi sama sekali
They were very desperate people
Mereka sangat putus asa
Riding in long black limousines
Naik limusin hitam panjang
But they were bigtime operators
Tapi mereka operator besar
On the music business scene
Di scene bisnis musik

They were glorified by the media
Mereka dimuliakan oleh media
They were heroes who had names
Mereka adalah pahlawan yang memiliki nama
They said that they would bury me
Mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka akan mengubur saya
If I didn't play their game
Jika saya tidak memainkan permainan mereka
They said I didn't know the score
Mereka bilang saya tidak tahu skornya
And that I was young and green
Dan aku masih muda dan hijau
They were bigtime operators
Mereka adalah operator besar
On the music business scene
Di scene bisnis musik

Tried to hold me to a phoney contract
Mencoba menahan saya untuk kontrak palsu
I said I didn't agree
Saya bilang saya tidak setuju
Had to get out of the clutches
Harus keluar dari cengkeraman
Had to go underground you see
Harus pergi ke bawah tanah yang Anda lihat
Now I'm living in another country
Sekarang saya tinggal di negara lain
But I know exactly just where I've been
Tapi aku tahu persis di mana aku berada
Stay away from bigtime operators
Jauhi operator besar
Baby, on the music business scene
Baby, di scene bisnis musik

Well, baby bigtime operators
Nah, operator baby bigtime
On the music business scene
Di scene bisnis musik
Oh baby, bigtime operators
Oh sayang, operator besar
On the music business scene
Di scene bisnis musik
Well, full of names and places
Nah, penuh dengan nama dan tempat
Baby, you know who I mean
Sayang, kamu tahu siapa yang aku maksud