- Balboa Park Lirik Terjemahan

He lay his blanket underneath the freeway
Dia meletakkan selimutnya di bawah jalan bebas hambatan
As the evening sky grew dark
Saat langit malam mulai gelap
Took a sniff of toncho from his coke can
Menghirup toncho dari kaleng coke-nya
And headed through Balboa Park
Dan menuju Taman Balboa
Where the men in their Mercedes
Dimana pria di Mercedes mereka
Come nightly to employ
Datanglah setiap malam untuk mempekerjakan
In the cool San Diego evening
Di malam yang sejuk San Diego
The services of the border boys
Layanan dari anak laki-laki perbatasan

He grew up near the Zona Norte
Ia tumbuh di dekat Zona Norte
With the hustlers and smugglers he hung out with
Dengan para penipu dan penyelundup yang bergaul dengannya
He swallowed their balloons of cocaine
Dia menelan balon kokain mereka
Brought ’em across to the Twelfth Street strip
Membawa mereka ke seberang jalur Twelfth Street
Sleeping in a shelter
Tidur di tempat penampungan
If the night got too cold
Jika malam menjadi terlalu dingin
Runnin’ from the migra
Runnin & rsquo; dari migra
Of the border patrol
Dari patroli perbatasan

Past the salvage yard ’cross the train tracks
Melewati halaman penyelamatan & melintasi jalur kereta api
And in through the storm drain
Dan di melalui badai menguras
They stretched their blankets out ’neath the freeway
Mereka membentangkan selimut mereka di jalan bebas hambatan
And each one took a name
Dan masing-masing mengambil sebuah nama
There was X-man and Cochise
Ada X-man dan Cochise
Little Spider his sneakers covered in river mud
Spider Kecil sepatu kets nya tercakup dalam lumpur sungai
They come north to California
Mereka datang ke utara ke California
End up with the poison in their blood
Berakhir dengan racun di darah mereka

He did what he had to for the money
Dia melakukan apa yang dia harus untuk uang
Sometimes he sent home what he could spare
Terkadang ia mengirim pulang apa yang bisa ia luangkan
The rest went to high-top sneakers and toncho
Sisanya pergi ke sepatu olahraga tinggi dan toncho
And jeans like the gavachos wear
Dan jins seperti memakai gavachos

One night the border patrol swept Twelfth Street
Suatu malam patroli perbatasan menyapu Twelfth Street
A big car come fast down the boulevard
Sebuah mobil besar melaju cepat menyusuri jalan raya
Spider stood caught in its headlights
Laba-laba tertahan di lampu depannya
Got hit and went down hard
Tertabrak dan turun dengan keras
As the car sped away Spider held his stomach
Saat mobil melesat jauh Spider menahan perutnya
Limped to his blanket ’neath the underpass
Tertatih-tatih di selimutnya dan menyusuri jalan bawah tanah
Lie there tasting his own blood on his tongue
Berbaring di sana mencicipi darahnya sendiri di lidahnya
Closed his eyes and listened to the cars
Menutup matanya dan mendengarkan mobil-mobil itu
Rushin’ by so fast
Rushin & rsquo; dengan begitu cepat