Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - Are You A Hypnotist??

I had forgiven you for tricking me again
Aku telah memaafkanmu karena telah menipuku lagi
But I have been tricked again –
Tapi aku sudah ditipu lagi –
Into forgiving you –
Ke maafkan kamu –
What is this?? Are you some kind of hypnotist??
Apa ini?? Apakah Anda semacam hipnotis?
Waving your powers around – the sun eclipse behind the cloud…
Melambaikan kekuatanmu – gerhana matahari di balik awan …

I thought I recognized your face
Kupikir aku mengenali wajahmu
Amongst all of those strangers –
Di antara semua orang asing –
But I am the stranger now
Tapi aku orang asing sekarang
Amongst all of the recognized
Di antara semua yang diakui
What is this?? Are you some kind of hypnotist??
Apa ini?? Apakah Anda semacam hipnotis?
Waving your powers around – the sun eclipse behind the cloud
Melambaikan kekuatan Anda – gerhana matahari di balik awan